Friday 4 November 2016

How to Have a Juicing Diet

A juicing diet is a diet that takes just a couple of days with meals being replaced by the juices of fruits and vegetables. This kind of diet has been used for three decades and is used to detoxify the body.

Organic fruits and vegetables are needed for this diet, but if you have the kind which may have acquired pesticide, it is necessary to clean these first. They are cleaned by submerging them for 15 minutes in a tub filled with filtered water and mixed with 1 tablespoon of bleach. After 15 minutes, the fruits and vegetables are to be washed and drained thoroughly.

Your fruits and vegetables should be stored for not more than four hours in the refrigerator so that the vitamins and minerals in them are still there. You can mix and match some fruits such as apples with any other vegetable. However, there are some fruits and vegetables in juicing that are better off alone such as melon. Use common sense to combine fruits and vegetables.

Make sure you prepare the right amount of juice you can consume to avoid wastage. If you are preparing a breakfast juice, you can combine banana, mango and pineapple together and add low-fat milk and honey. You can also try the apple, carrot and ginger combination. In the middle of the morning if you need to have a snack, you can juice 2 pieces of small apples with a small carrot, a slice of a small lemon and one teaspoon of honey.

For lunch and dinner, you can juice an apple combined with any vegetable. You can also try the peaches, mango and pineapple combination. Other people also combine carrot with ginger and celery. You can also juice carrot, baby beetroot, parsley and cucumber to come up with a very nutritious vegetable drink.

When you are undergoing the juicing diet, you should accompany it with at least 8 glasses of clean water. For regular bowel movements, you can pour a tablespoon of ground flax seeds to your drink. This will be a substitute for your lack of soluble and insoluble fiber. In one day, you can drink up to 6 glasses of fresh juice to keep you full.

If you feel dizzy, exhausted or nauseous, or if there is any change in your heart beat the first day on the diet, you must break your fast with a steamed vegetable, a cup of yogurt, a piece of toasted bread or vegetable soup. Never eat something solid and fatty such as a hamburger, ice cream, pizza, doughnut or fries.

It is natural to experience headaches and loose bowel movements during your first day of juicing as your body is beginning to be cleansed. Never go beyond the 3rd day of your diet. Slowly introduce solid food to your body after the diet by taking in digestible vegetables, fruits, soup, yogurt and eggs.

When you are juicing, try not to get some exercise. Just relax and take things easily. After your diet, you can then restore your physical activities. A juicing diet is necessary in order for your body to be cleaned and able to get the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs.

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