Saturday 28 January 2017

Losing Belly Fat on a Budget

A big concern about losing stomach fat is how much money will it all cost?
Though the prospect of spending money in order to provide results is largely a well designed marketing lie to get you to buy the latest and greatest products on offer.

The truth is Fat Loss doesn't need to be an expensive venture!
In fact having money to burn when it comes to losing stomach fat will provide you with very little if any extra benefit.

Truth be known, effective fat loss comes from what you know and how you use information as opposed to what kind of fitness toys you have.

By far its the simplest things that will provide you with the most results when it comes to losing stomach fat.

As far as daily exercise is concerned, finding an activity that you enjoy can be much more effective than buying the latest expensive piece of exercise equipment. After all the best type of exercise you can do to burn stomach fat is an exercise that you don't mind doing often.

Sports for example are fun and therefor a great motivator, we often see sporting activities more as a leisure activity rather than exercise, but the simple fact is that anything that gets your heart rate elevated is exercise and is doing you the world of good. Whether you enjoy golf, tennis, soccer or hiking, snorkeling or indoor rock climbing; all these activities are great fat burners and if done regularly will provide solid fat loss results.

The real key to success for losing belly fat on a budget is establishing a plan which organizes your eating and exercise regime. In other words structuring your lifestyle centering around your ultimate fat loss goals.

Top Budget Diet Tips
  • Fresh whole foods provide valuable nutrition with the least amount of calories, look for 'in season' fruit and veg to keep costs down
  • Eggs are are not only a great source of protein and omega 3 acids but they are also relatively cheap and can be used in a wide range of recipes.
  • When cooking look for simple, tasty yet healthy recipes and dishes which freeze well. A good low fat lasagna recipe will not only be cheap to make but will be highly nutritious and easily portioned and frozen for convenient quick meal.
  • Fresh nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts and macadamia nuts are not only relatively cheap in comparison to highly processed snack foods but are also high in fiber, protein and good fats which actually help your body to burn fat. Nuts make excellent convenient snacks at any time of day and will help to keep your metabolism humming along.
  • Water is without doubt the most undervalued resource in our world today and can be extremely helpful in losing stomach fat. Pound for pound, drinking water regularly throughout your day is without doubt the most cost effective way to burn stomach fat.
  • Many small changes can add up to big results, changing from full cream milk to low or even half fat milk will reduce your saturated fat intake yet the change will cost you almost nothing.
Budget exercise ideas that will save you money.
  • Buying a good pair of running shoes is an invaluable investment, just look for any excuse to throw them use your legs instead of using your car which will cost you in fuel and added mileage.
  • Living near the coast is a huge bonus, swimming is probably the best exercise you can do but also the sea water is great for muscle recovery and running on soft sand is a great way to drastically reduce the impact and potential damage that can be done to joints when running on hard surfaces.
  • Buy a few Yoga, Pilates or dance Fitness DVD's they don't cost the earth and if you have a few friends who are are trying to lose weight you can swap and share!
  • While paying someone to mow your lawn may seem easier, doing it yourself provides a great mini workout and get you out in the sun and fresh air.
  • Although many people don't regard stretching as an exercise, lengthening your muscles by regularly stretching increases blood flow to muscles and helps to increase metabolism. Stretching will also help to prevent injury, reduce stress by releasing those natural feel feel good drugs, endorphins.
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