Wednesday 21 June 2017

Gym exercises for women

Slimming down can be hard work and we’re here to make it easier. So, if you feel you’ve reached a plateau, we can help. But how? Tempo training, and more specifically matrix training, is the way to do it, according to fat-loss specialist Dave Fletcher (

‘I’ve had excellent results with women who are looking to lose weight through using different forms of tempo training, such as matrix training,’ says Dave.

Tempo training is a style of workout that involves mixing up the speed of each rep, and matrix training is based on the same proven fat-burning principles.

You would usually perform a rep from the bottom of the movement straight to the top and back, but in matrix training, each exercise is performed from different points of the full range of movement.

This means that the time under tension (the time in which your muscles are contracting) is extended in each workout.

Making this alteration has the potential to make your muscles work as much as three times (yes, three times!) harder, which equals much greater fat-loss gains.

How it works
Each exercise follows the same structure for all levels: five full reps, followed by five half reps at the bottom range, five half reps at the top range and another five full reps. Perform this routine two to four times a week for optimum results, making sure you take 90 seconds of rest between each set. Beginners should perform three sets, intermediate four, and advanced gym-goers five.

Kit you’ll need
 2 x 3-5kg dumbbells
 Swiss ball
 Yoga mat

Saturday 17 June 2017

Why Is Weight Loss Never "One Thing"?

People often tell me stories about how they lost weight. The stories begin with, "All I did was... " and end with something like: become vegetarian (or vegan); eliminate gluten; "go raw"; or cut out sugar.
A couple of these make sense, but others don't. Let's look at each one.

Becoming Vegetarian or Vegan
The two are different, but I'll cover them together because my observations are the same in both cases.

Depending on which animal products someone was eating before changing her/his diet - and how they were prepared - eliminating animal products might result in considerable weight loss.

But there may be more to this story. Maybe the new vegan/vegetarian has eliminated dairy products, for example - and given up that pint of Ben & Jerry's every night. Getting rid of all the fat and sugar in the ice cream could very well have had a profound effect on weight loss.

That change might even have helped by itself. So maybe it wasn't just about animal products.

Eliminating Gluten
My first question is always, "How much gluten was this person eating before?"
It's logical to blame gluten if the now-lean person was eating a stack of pancakes for breakfast, a large submarine-type sandwich for lunch, and a mountain of pasta with his dinner.

Cutting moderate gluten intake - say, a standard sandwich on 2 ordinary slices of bread per day - might not yield the same dramatic results.

But again, is there more to the story? The butter and syrup on the pancakes, high-fat sauce on the pasta, mayo and who-knows-what-else on the sub sandwich? Those changes would factor in just as much as the gluten.

Giving Up Sugar or "Going Raw"
Okay, in this case, I can definitely believe we may have found the "one thing" that helps someone lose weight - especially if the switch covers all sugar.

Giving up sugar would include giving up pastries, cookies, cakes, brownies, candy bars, ice cream, and more. Those so-called foods often contain fat, white flour, and yes, gluten - plus other junk, along with the sugar.

Someone switching to a raw diet would also eliminate most foods on the list above.

The drawback with a raw diet is that there are two "tracks." The healthful track emphasizes vegetables. The less healthful track emphasizes fruit, various concoctions that contain fruit or fruit juice, and even cookies that look like Oreos, with some sort of creamy fruit puree filling between 2 cookies made of crumbled nuts.

I recommend the veggie track, but that may be a topic for another post.

Of course I'm in favor of anything that helps someone make a change for better health. But it may take a few things, not just one. And that's not a bad thing.

That being said, the decision to eliminate sugar can, and often does, have far-reaching benefits: cardiovascular health, blood pressure, mood, appetite, focus.

So if you are still looking for the One Thing that helps you lose weight... giving up sugar might be that thing.

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Weight Loss - How Far Ahead Should You Set Your Workout Plan?

It may be tempting to structure a meticulous six-month workout plan to help you reach your weight loss goal. It may feel exciting to plan so far ahead but living in the future can be overwhelming and fill you with anxiety. It may seem productive to imagine what it would be like to workout four or five times a week while following a healthy eating plan for several months. You may tell yourself with such a routine; it would be impossible not to see the results you seek. After all, it sounds great on paper, and it is comforting to feel you are on the right track.

If you have something similar in mind, you ought to be very, very careful. While planning is important, too much of it could work against you. This is because it tends to trick you into believing you are doing the work. For a case in point, notice how those who talk about their goals frequently tend to fall short the most. In contrast, those who surprise you with their weight loss progress usually do it without any fanfare.

Generally speaking, the less you talk about your goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. You will then find you focus more on the action itself instead of wasting time and mental energy on endless planning. Whether your goal is to...
  • lose weight,
  • lower your blood sugar,
  • improve your body composition,
  • fitness, or
  • your blood cholesterol profile,
it is going to benefit you to focus on smaller steps.
One workout at a time, and concentrate on the current week. As long as you are on the right track, what happens a month from now is irrelevant. You can only control what you do in the present. So why worry about the details of exercising a week or two, or a month or so from now? Focus on being active during the current week, and don't trouble yourself with the illusion of quick results.

It is ultimately more productive to concentrate on the process than on goals. That is what it is about. Focusing more on the latter may cause you to spend too much time planning and verbalizing your intentions. Narrowing your thoughts on the process, however, allows you to focus on making progress bringing you closer to your objective. Not to mention it could be disheartening to imagine working out twenty times by the end of a month. If the exercise habit is not yet in place in your life, you might lose consistency or quit.

Take one day at a time, and trust the results will come. They will if you are willing to commit to action - and not endless planning.
Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

Article Source:

Thursday 30 March 2017

The Mind-Connection in Weight Loss

Do you struggle with weight loss and just can't seem to figure out how to lose the pounds?
Well, you are not alone.

Today marks a special day for everyone who has been struggling with losing weight because we are going to explore one of the most challenging obstacles to permanent weight loss in women: the mind-body connection.

The mind-body connection may sound like "magic and voodoo," but it actually makes a lot of sense, and even medical science now emphasizes the need to harmonize the body and mind to improve one's wellness.

There has always been an over-emphasis on the physical when it comes to losing weight. Of course, in the end, the numbers do matter and when you are trying to fit into a pair of jeans that are two sizes smaller, all you can think about is, "what happened to my waistline?"

But, what you may not know is that research suggests that our minds can sometimes be our biggest enemy when we are trying to lose weight.

Our brains can actually hinder our bodies from experiencing the weight loss we desire.

How? In today's post I will discuss the various mind-body issues that we all have experienced at one point or another that may play a role in hindering your weight loss. And I will share some simple solutions that will help you end specific mind-body misconceptions.

Problem #1: Toxic Stress
Stress can be extremely toxic if you don't know how to manage it.

Many people don't realize that stress impacts not just the mind, but also the body. If you want a more scientific term for it, call it "physiological stress."

When you are stressed, your brain sends an emergency distress signal to the rest of your body. Your "fight or flight" instincts kick in and suddenly, your body is only concerned with just surviving.

The result? You'll feel exhausted and fatigued almost all the time. This can make your weight loss journey problematic, because you won't have the extra energy you need to achieve your weight loss goals.

You can't lose weight if your stress levels are off the charts. Your mind won't allow you to use additional energy and resources on your new goals because it is in a physiological emergency state. You need to address the stress before attempting to start on your weight loss goals.

How can you stop stress before it stops you? Here are some steps to help you with stress management:
Step 1: Ask yourself, what is causing your stress? Be really honest with yourself!
Step 2: If the stressor is a problem you have at work or at home, can you find a solution for it? Sit down and try to solve the problem so it doesn't bother you anymore.
Step 3: If the stressor is something that you cannot solve, or it is simply an independent reality that causes stress sometimes (e.g. taking care of children), then learn to separate yourself momentarily from the stressor.
If you feel like exploding from stress all the time, take a five-minute walk outside or find a quiet room and do something you like. Learning to temporarily separate yourself from an unavoidable stressor can do wonders.

Problem #2: No Tension Release
Tension, like stress, can easily build up if you don't have an outlet to release it.
When there is just too much tension, it can be nearly impossible to make the lifestyle changes needed for successful weight loss.
If you don't have a way to "let off steam," your mind-body connection will work against anything that requires your time and energy. This is probably one of the main reasons why people feel fatigued at work. The tension in their minds and bodies are just too much to handle.You can solve this problem through regular tension release.

Having a "tension outlet" can greatly improve your life and help you achieve new goals.
I suggest picking activities that will allow you to release tension without harming your body. Absolutely avoid activities like guzzling alcohol or smoking tobacco.

Among the best tension busters are:
- Playing sports
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Writing/journaling
- Travel
- Cooking
- Arts

Problem #3: Not Believing In Yourself
Do our beliefs about our abilities matter when you are trying to lose weight?

Yes! You can't achieve something if you don't believe that you can do it in the first place. Remember the saying "what your mind conceives, the body can achieve?" That old saying was actually pretty accurate!

Here's the truth: experts who study body language and the subconscious mind agree that if you believe that you can do something, you're already halfway there.

If we flip the situation, not believing in your self will logically produce the opposite results. You wouldn't want that if you're eager to lose weight.

So if you really want to prepare yourself well and strengthen your mind-body connection for the purpose of losing weight, you have to completely trust yourself and believe that you can achieve weight loss.

But remember: it's not enough to just say that you believe in something.

You also have to reaffirm that belief on a daily basis and actively use it to motivate yourself to accomplish goals. That way, your mind will be properly conditioned by the right beliefs and a positive mindset.

The mind is a very powerful ally in weight loss, use it to your full advantage.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

The Mind-Connection in Weight Loss

Do you struggle with weight loss and just can't seem to figure out how to lose the pounds?
Well, you are not alone.

Today marks a special day for everyone who has been struggling with losing weight because we are going to explore one of the most challenging obstacles to permanent weight loss in women: the mind-body connection.

The mind-body connection may sound like "magic and voodoo," but it actually makes a lot of sense, and even medical science now emphasizes the need to harmonize the body and mind to improve one's wellness.

There has always been an over-emphasis on the physical when it comes to losing weight. Of course, in the end, the numbers do matter and when you are trying to fit into a pair of jeans that are two sizes smaller, all you can think about is, "what happened to my waistline?"
But, what you may not know is that research suggests that our minds can sometimes be our biggest enemy when we are trying to lose weight.

Our brains can actually hinder our bodies from experiencing the weight loss we desire.
How? In today's post I will discuss the various mind-body issues that we all have experienced at one point or another that may play a role in hindering your weight loss. And I will share some simple solutions that will help you end specific mind-body misconceptions.

Problem #1: Toxic Stress
Stress can be extremely toxic if you don't know how to manage it.
Many people don't realize that stress impacts not just the mind, but also the body. If you want a more scientific term for it, call it "physiological stress."

When you are stressed, your brain sends an emergency distress signal to the rest of your body. Your "fight or flight" instincts kick in and suddenly, your body is only concerned with just surviving.
The result? You'll feel exhausted and fatigued almost all the time. This can make your weight loss journey problematic, because you won't have the extra energy you need to achieve your weight loss goals.

You can't lose weight if your stress levels are off the charts. Your mind won't allow you to use additional energy and resources on your new goals because it is in a physiological emergency state. You need to address the stress before attempting to start on your weight loss goals.

How can you stop stress before it stops you? Here are some steps to help you with stress management:
Step 1: Ask yourself, what is causing your stress? Be really honest with yourself!
Step 2: If the stressor is a problem you have at work or at home, can you find a solution for it? Sit down and try to solve the problem so it doesn't bother you anymore.
Step 3: If the stressor is something that you cannot solve, or it is simply an independent reality that causes stress sometimes (e.g. taking care of children), then learn to separate yourself momentarily from the stressor.

If you feel like exploding from stress all the time, take a five-minute walk outside or find a quiet room and do something you like. Learning to temporarily separate yourself from an unavoidable stressor can do wonders.

Problem #2: No Tension Release
Tension, like stress, can easily build up if you don't have an outlet to release it.
When there is just too much tension, it can be nearly impossible to make the lifestyle changes needed for successful weight loss.

If you don't have a way to "let off steam," your mind-body connection will work against anything that requires your time and energy. This is probably one of the main reasons why people feel fatigued at work. The tension in their minds and bodies are just too much to handle.You can solve this problem through regular tension release.

Having a "tension outlet" can greatly improve your life and help you achieve new goals.
I suggest picking activities that will allow you to release tension without harming your body. Absolutely avoid activities like guzzling alcohol or smoking tobacco.

Among the best tension busters are:
- Playing sports
- Meditation
- Yoga
- Writing/journaling
- Travel
- Cooking
- Arts

Problem #3: Not Believing In Yourself
Do our beliefs about our abilities matter when you are trying to lose weight?
Yes! You can't achieve something if you don't believe that you can do it in the first place. Remember the saying "what your mind conceives, the body can achieve?" That old saying was actually pretty accurate!

Here's the truth: experts who study body language and the subconscious mind agree that if you believe that you can do something, you're already halfway there.

If we flip the situation, not believing in your self will logically produce the opposite results. You wouldn't want that if you're eager to lose weight.

So if you really want to prepare yourself well and strengthen your mind-body connection for the purpose of losing weight, you have to completely trust yourself and believe that you can achieve weight loss.

But remember: it's not enough to just say that you believe in something.
You also have to reaffirm that belief on a daily basis and actively use it to motivate yourself to accomplish goals. That way, your mind will be properly conditioned by the right beliefs and a positive mindset.

Article Source

Monday 6 March 2017

Cardio vs. weights: Which is actually better for weight loss?

For decades, conventional wisdom (and Jane Fonda) said cardio was the best exercise for weight loss.
Then strength training muscled its way into the spotlight as the must-do move for revving your metabolism and losing weight in your sleep, prompting many exercise enthusiasts to join #TeamNoCardio. 
So a few years ago, Duke University researchers took to the lab and conducted the largest study of its kind to compare the two and get an answer once and for all.

After 8 months of tracking 119 overweight and previously sedentary volunteers while they performed resistance training, aerobic exercise, or a combination of the two, the clear winner was ... aerobic exercise. 
The cardio group lost about 4 pounds while their resistance training peers gained two. Yes, the weight gain was attributed to added lean mass.
However, that muscle mass didn't lead to any meaningful fat loss over the course of the study. In fact, the aerobics only group shed more than 3½ pounds of fat while the lifters didn't lose a single pound despite the fact that they actually exercised 47 more minutes each week than the cardio group.
Not surprisingly, the cardio-plus-resistance group improved their body composition best -- losing the most fat while adding some lean mass. But they also spent twice as much time in the gym.
It's simple math, says study co-author Cris Slentz, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at Duke University. "Minute per minute, cardio burns more calories, so it works best for reducing fat mass and body mass."
That's not to say that you shouldn't lift weights, especially as you get older and start losing muscle mass, he notes. "Resistance training is important for maintaining lean body mass, strength and function, and being functionally fit is important for daily living no matter what your size."
For the biggest fitness gain/weight loss bang for your exercise buck, combine the two, doing your strength training first and finishing off with your cardio. An American Council on Exercise study on exercise sequencing found that your heart rate is higher -- by about 12 beats per minute -- during your cardio bout when you've lifted weights beforehand.
That means more calories burned.
It's also important to remember one essential fact about exercise and weight loss, says Slentz. "Exercise by itself will not lead to big weight loss. What and how much you eat has a far greater impact on how much weight you lose," he says.
That's because it's far easier to take in less energy (calories) than it is to burn significant amounts and it's very easy to cancel out the few hundred calories you've burned working out with just one snack.
Where exercise appears to matter most is for preventing weight gain, or for keeping off pounds once you've lost weight, says Slentz. "Exercise seems to work best for body weight control," he says.
The National Weight Control Registry, which since 1994 has tracked more than 10,000 people who shed an average of 66 pounds and kept it off for at least five years, would agree.
Ninety percent of successful weight loss maintainers exercise for about an hour a day and their activity of choice is cardio, simply walking. 

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Ways of Preventing Childhood Obesity

What Causes Childhood Obesity?
Childhood obesity has become prevalent in developed countries. One fourth of the children in the US are overweight, and 11% are obese. There is evidence that excessive sugar intake, larger portion size, and the decline in outdoor and physical activity play key roles contributing to the rising rates of obesity worldwide. Hence, both over-consumption of calories and reduced physical activity are factors in childhood obesity.

What is the best way to cure childhood obesity?
Prevention is the best cure for childhood obesity. Obesity can be control through many strategic interventions which include creating the right environment, imbibing physical exercise, and diet. Most of these strategies can be started at home while some can happen at school as children spend much time at school. After-school care services can play a significant role in influencing the diet and physical activity for children at an early age. The faster the plan is initiated, the better for today's generation.

What are the causes of childhood obesity?
Although the exact factors supporting childhood obesity are not entirely understood, it is a proven fact that obesity may occur when the energy intake exceeds the energy spent by children. Genetic factors also play a role in childhood obesity, but it is not the only factor to looked when trying to determine what causes obesity in children. Different outside factors like environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural conditions are also reasons for the rise in childhood obesity. The following are being considered as factors as well:

Behavioral and social factors
1. Diet: improper regulation of Calorie intake can be a factor as children consume foods of high calories but do not spend it in activities.
2. Fat Intake: Studies show that the fat intake has decreased in some parts while increased in some areas of the country. However, children have a robust system that burns fat efficiently. Hence it cannot be an isolating factor.
3. Other dietary factors: Soft drink intake by children has increased during the past decades and has been a significant cause of the of obesity and type II diabetes. However, no conclusive studies have been published as of now.
4. Physical Activity: Numerous studies have shown that nonphysical activities like watching TV and playing video games have contributed much to an obese population. Parents often encouraged their children to watch television and spend more time inside the home so that they can complete their work and babysit at the same time. Many children have recorded low participation rates in sports and physical education which has added to their chances to become obese.

What are the ways to prevent childhood Obesity?
Having a neighborhood that has a big and safe place to play sports as well as a school which encourages physical activities as a part of school work is the first step to getting children out in the open. A home where physical activity is considered necessary, and the right diet is encouraged will decrease the chances of a child becoming obese drastically. Less time in front of the television and family dinners at the table instead of the TV will be helpful as advertisers are targeting this age group influencing their eating habits to a great extent.
Obesity is a disorder that has multiple causes including depression and the physical and mental health of obese children. Cardio and digestive diseases in adulthood are common in obese children. Over-consumption of calories and reduced physical activity is believed to be the main factors in the occurrence of childhood obesity.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Is Looking Fat Now the Latest Trend?

Governments throughout the world are concerned about how much of humanity are now large or even obese members of society. Why has this come about? The way of life today has discouraged home cooking and encouraged the establishing of so many fast food outlets. Through this phenomenon it is so easy to stop and buy a take-out meal either for lunch or to take home with you after work. This relieves you of the chore of supermarket grocery shopping or food preparation. There is plenty of choice from fast-food outlets, even if it is fatty, high in sugar content, not nutritious, nor healthy! The prevalence of these fast-food outlets acts as enticement and encouragement for people to eat more at times that they would not normally consume food.

Eating in this manner will certainly encourage weight gain, showing first in your waistline and then spreading to other parts of your body, usually in the areas where it least looks good. You only have to look at a fat person poured into their clothing waddling in front of you to realize what an ugly sight so much fat looks like. So, why doesn't Mr or Mrs Average do something to contain and rectify this unpleasant sight of their extra flab?

Often people do not have the willpower to lose those extra pounds they gained. Basically, they are aware they should do something about it but have not got the stamina to diet or to watch what they eat more carefully. Unfortunately, comfort food like cakes and candy are items that are hard to do away with. You have to be very stern and committed if you want to succeed in going on a weight reducing program.

There are countries where the fatter you are, the more appeal you have for the opposite sex, this, however is not the norm in the Western world.

It is important to remember that overweight is not only most unhealthy it can be the cause of illnesses such as diabetes and heart diseases. Diabetes is a disease now considered more common among children from an early age, which is very sad.

As well as a correct diet, getting sufficient exercise is most important. Spending your leisure time sitting watching television, instead of walking, or gardening, will certainly not help with any weight loss. The cost to medical aids and the world economy is now soaring due to obesity and associated symptoms of disease.

Article Source

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Why Weight Loss Diets Fail

There doesn't seem to be a law that a new year must be accompanied by feelings of weight-guilt, but January/February dismay seems to be pretty universal.

Every year, year in and year out, a new year reminds us it's time to suffer, feel guilty or both. And so we join in this annual ritual of self-abuse.

But let me ask you this: The struggle and strain to lose weight has been going on every year for centuries. After all those years of effort, shouldn't we be winning?

I mean, an avalanche of all the diet books in print would flatten a smallish city. But all that information, even if strictly applied, will provide--at best--no more than temporary success.

For instance, The Biggest Loser television show flogged competitors through almost superhuman efforts to lose weight. The motivated contestants did whatever they were told to do to reach the magical goal of slim and trim.

After they reach the promised land, after all that training, effort and suffering, you'd think contestants would be good to go for the rest of their lives. But you would be wrong. By about a mile.

You never see reunions of Biggest Loser alums. Most, if not all, the alums regained the weight they lost, and sometimes even more.
Why does the weight always come back? Because all the weight-loss hoopla, so heavily promoted by dietitians and doctors as a sure path to skinny-jeans heaven, throws our bodies into a very deep ditch of wounded body parts unable to figure out which way is up.

Our bodies know if they don't step in to save the day, as in getting everything back into balance, we're going down. Disease, even death, await.

So, an all-body call-to-arms goes out, and body parts join the battle, coordinating their efforts in a big-time push to get everything back on track. And the lost pounds come piling back. Why?
Here's how it goes: By taking the usual, count-calories, etc., approach to weight loss, you dumped muscle, not fat. Since life depends on healthy muscles, such as the heart, your body works overtime to recover lost muscle. And you're back where you started.

But, but, but, you cry in dismay, does that mean I'll never be able to lose weight and keep it off?

Not at all. That's actually pretty easy-peasy stuff. I cover the whole business in my Moving to Health program.

Well, you may counter, if it's so easy, why don't you just tell us? And you ask because everybody's been brainwashed into believing health and weight loss are about magic bullets, not about understanding what's going on. All I have to offer is understanding, so work with me here.

Losing weight is not rocket science, but getting people to change their understanding of how it works is a killer. That's nobody's fault; it's just the way things are.

The weight loss industry rakes in billions and billions of dollars a year, and they don't look kindly on anybody who talks the way I do. They keep machetes always at the ready, the better to protect their mountain of money.

I don't want to start a fight with a whole gang of bullies, which is scary. But I do want to help people; I just have to wait for them to realize they need my help.

Here's how it goes: We are all unique, one-of-a-kind beings. One-size-fits-all diets don't work for unique people. So talk about losing weight must take the unique wonder of us into account; a quick ten-point list doesn't come close.

But I can give you two basic truths that will probably contradict everything you've been taught: Counting calories doesn't get you anywhere, and you have to eat fat to lose fat.
I kid you not.

Monday 20 February 2017

A Guide To Eating Healthy: Learn How to Eat Healthy and Nutritious Meals

Learning how to eat healthy is actually a tough task in today's world. There are so many unhealthy options out there that you are faced with every day. Take a look at a menu from just about any restaurant; there are generally so many more unhealthy choices than there are healthy choices. Not to mention that these unhealthy meal choices are often monster sized portions that would be better suited for a 300 pound offensive lineman than for the average person. So you ask, how can I learn to eat healthier? In all honestly, it will be tough, but it will be worth it. Learning to eat healthier will not only help you to lose weight, but will also make you feel better every day, give you more energy and will lead to an overall healthier lifestyle.

If you plan on eating healthy, you need to forget about trying to eat a quick meal because, often these fast food options (I do not even want to call them fast food options, but almost any option where you can get your food and be out of the establishment within 5 minutes, is likely to be unhealthy) are just not good for you, unless, it is something like a salad or a low sodium soup. My main suggestion here is to prepare your own food. It will take you a little extra time but there are several benefits. For one, you will be saving yourself a lot of money compared to if you were eating out for every meal. Another benefit of preparing your own food is that you will literally be able to decide which ingredients go into each meal, allowing you to make sure that the meal will be healthy and also allowing you to make sure that you enjoy each ingredient.

Preparing your own meals is really the key to learning how to eat healthy. If you start preparing your own meals, you will become more aware of what you are eating and you will be in complete control of what you are actually putting in your body. When you rely on eating out, you really do not know what exactly is going into each meal and more often than not, there will be several unhealthy ingredients that are in your food, even in a seemingly healthy sounding meal.

Make your own meals instead of eating out and you will be eating much healthier every day.
Article Source

Sunday 19 February 2017

Can You Really Lose Love Handles in Just 7 Days? How to Eat Healthy and Still Enjoy Yourself

In order to answer the question can you really lose love handles in just seven days, it is important to learn how to still enjoy yourself. In no way shape or form will you be able to lose those dreaded side pouches unless you learn how to eat healthy. Additionally, eating healthy and still enjoying yourself is two of the most primary factors for permanent weight loss and getting back to that size 32 waist or less, just as in high school. A good way to begin to learn how to lose those love handles in just seven days is this stretching exercise.

Stretching the human body is a great way to warm up and start the process of losing weight. Before we get involved with the exercises that will melt away the love handles within seven days and permanently keep them off we need to look at exactly how love handles are created. They are actually fat that is stored around the pelvic and the other lower regions of the human body. In order to lose them, it is imperative that the caloric intake is limited and the exercise that burns the calories is increased. The reason why the love handles exist in the first place is because the body likes to store fat in areas where it takes the least amount of energy to maintain and access this fat reserve.

A great exercise to answer the question about can you really lose love handles and just seven days is to stretch in an aerobic physical routines. Anaerobic means without air so any exercise that involves breathing at an increased rate while physically exerting a force will be a great benefit to lose in love handles. The reason why many exercise routines can guarantee results within seven days is a simple formula referred to as the glycemic index withdrawal method. In this method the total amount of calories that are taken in must be less than 50% of the calories that are burned. A simple formula would be calories minus calories burned it cools amount of fat increase. If this sounds easy it really is and here's how it can be done.

The first day should be spent on testing your body out there and deep stretches only. After everything's been seen to be in working order for the body, especially the midsection region, it is time to start getting busy on diminishing the love handles. Just as the day before stretches should be a permanent part of the exercise routine because they will always help to reduce love handles. Day two and three will be all about aerobically filling the lungs with good clean air and expelling carbon dioxide at increased levels.

Day three and four will involve brisk walking and jumping jacks and sit-ups as all though these are not the primary importance that burning exercise routines they are essential to an overall healthy physical workout. Within seven days you will notice some loss of weight in the love handle region and the abdominal area as well.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Top 10 Tips on How A Girly Girl Can Prepare For Her Travels - How to Stay Healthy and Look Good?

Most of us would know the basics on how to prepare for a trip - booking tickets, planning accommodation, preparing itinerary, etc. As a girly girl, we need more than the average preparations.

We want to stay healthy throughout the trip, fit enough for all intended activities, and of course look good in the photos taken. And if you are traveling solo, this is even more important.

10) Exercise daily 2 weeks before the trip (for those who don't exercise daily) and stop a day before. Helps to build up fitness and stamina for extended walking during the trip.

9) Eat more nourishing food a week before departure. Need to give a boost to the immune system and reduce stress on biological functions during the trip.

8) Have a facial and massage 3 days before departure, unless you are going for a spa trip. This can improve blood circulation and help you to look more radiant.

7) If you like, can go for a haircut, dental cleansing, body scrub, manicure and pedicure 1-2 days before the trip. After all, we want to look best in the photos that are going be our main souvenir there for the rest of our life.

6) Ensure make-up is sufficient for period of travel, especially foundation. I usually bring a brand new tub of loose powder for each trip.

5) Keep hydration eye gel (15ml) in make-up kit. It is light enough to put over makeup (to reduce flaky skin) and no issues in hand-carry up the plane.

4) Start preventative medication 1-2 days before departure. Personally, I take medication to control stomach acid; this helps especially when meal times are irregular during traveling.

3) Sleep 8 hours before going to airport. Whether it is a day or night flight, this rest can reduce lethargy upon arrival tremendously.

2) Have a thorough shower before going to airport. Might not have a chance to shower for 24 hours or so.

1) Bring water bottle with built-in filter in hand-carry. Hydrate well before heading to the airport and during waiting.

Okay, it might be an age thing, but the older we get, the more care we need to put in our daily maintenance. Traveling adds stress to our biological functions. That's probably why girls tend to put on weight in a new country.

Personally, I don't get to do all 10 things before every trip, but I practiced the last 6 tips in every trip, and more flexible with the others. Based on experience, it always feels much better when I am more prepared for it than not.

Friday 17 February 2017

How to Eat Healthy and Cheap

How many people are under the impression that eating healthy is more expensive than eating junk food or "less nutritious" foods. This is not true. In fact, if you rethink how to budget your food dollars and your eating habits you could easily divert some of the cash you are spending on junk food and use it to buy food that is better for you and that will help you lose weight. How to eat healthy and cheap is not difficult. This article expands on the ideas provided in the first part and will provide some useful and practical tips you can use that will change your eating habits and how you spend your money!

1. Using Whey Protein. If you are looking to increase the percentage of quality protein in your diet supplementing your food intake with whey protein is one of the best ways to do this. Whey protein usually comes in powder format and can be mixed with water, milk or in your favorite smoothie. Some people will actually sprinkle it over their oatmeal or bowl of fruit. What's good about whey protein is that it comes in a variety of flavors and a scoop or two a few times a day adds several grams of protein a day to your diet while lasting a long time. A big container of whey usually cost $20 to $30. This may sound expensive but for the amount you get and how long it will last it's well worth it. Cut down on the number of "designer" coffee's or "chain store" smoothies that you buy every week and you could easily purchase whey without affecting your budget.

2. What about the tuna? This is a great source of protein, it's low in calories and it's cheap. That's a great combination! Some points to consider about tuna. You don't have to buy the name brand tuna - it's expensive and it doesn't taste any better than generic brands. I can buy a can of generic tuna for under 50 cents a can. Name brand is usually over a dollar. Always buy tuna packed in water, not oil. The oil type just adds on more calories and no other nutritional benefit. Lastly - don't mix your tuna with heavy mayonnaise for sandwiches! I'm talking about dumping your tuna right on a salad, mix it with a couple tablespoons of your favorite salsa or eat it right out of the can by itself. The mayonnaise turns a perfectly healthy and inexpensive food into a fat packing monster!

3. Frozen vs. Fresh Veggies. You can try eating frozen veggies instead of fresh veggies once in a while. You can save money here because you can purchase frozen veggies in bulk. If time is money then you can save money because frozen typically takes less time to prepare than fresh. Frozen veggies won't spoil like fresh ones do. I'll admit - I like fresh veggies once in a while but when considering how to eat healthy and cheap I'll lean towards the frozen to reduce my grocery bill.

4. Go Generic. I don't know why generic food has such a bad wrap with some people. I'll admit some brand name foods are much better than their generic counterparts. In my experience this doesn't count for many. Try this - use the generic brand of all your favorite foods that you can find for a month or so. If you truly don't like the generic type then go back to its brand name. What I think you'll find is that there are more generic foods that you will enjoy so you can eliminate the brand name. In the end you will save money.
These 4 useful tips can easily be incorporated into your eating and drinking habits. Try them today and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results you achieve, the money you can save and in how much better you start to feel.

Thursday 16 February 2017

How to Stay Healthy and Look Good

Have you ever wonder how you can actually stay healthy and sexy without doing any diet? I am in my mid-30 with two kids, a single mom and a full-time worker and yet I am proud to say that others think that I don't look my age. A great compliment indeed, right?
Whether we like it or not as we aged we will gain or lose weight. 
Wrinkles and lines on your forehead will appear and a lot more imperfections. We may not turn back time to experience youth again but we can try to somehow slow down the aging process by staying healthy to look good always.

Here are some tips and advice that you can follow. It works for me and I think it will work for you too.

1. Drink plenty of water. When I tell you to drink at least 8 glasses of water I day, that doesn't count coffee and juice. Do not make fruit juices a substitute to hydrate your body. The proper way to drink water is in between meals so your body can digest your food properly. Here's a secret, drinking ice cold water can lose you 60-65 calories a day. Not bad, right. Just don't overdo it okay.

2. Make sure to eat 5 times a day. Yes, you read that right, 5 times a day. But don't get too excited since it will consist of a heavy breakfast to start your day, a light lunch to keep you going and a sensible meal at night don't forget to have low calorie snacks in between so your body will not crave for more. Eat fruits instead of chips or burgers.

3. Exercise is still the key. Well, I didn't say you need to bulk up or join a gym class. You can do it at home. Going up and down the stairs for 15 minutes can flatten your belly and strengthen your leg muscles. You can do brisk walking outside for 10 minutes and it will burn those extra fats. Swimming is also good for the body and the lungs. You can think of something else as long as you are moving and your body is doing some stretching.

4. And most of all, Sleep. Make sure your body gets enough rest to start another day. 6-8 hours of sleep a day may be impossible for someone who is always on the go. But if you have time, take a nap. Napping helps refresh the mind and body and give us ample energy to continue our day.

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Sunday 12 February 2017

Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase III

We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II". In review, you learned how to exercise regularly in order to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. What is the third and final fitness tuning path that I must pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet and a regular workout routine? What is the last and final path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss?

Phase III of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your intake of fluids. Ok, stop the presses! You mean that what I drink actually matters when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss? The answer is yes, big time! Everyone knows that you must hydrate yourself in order to survive. In fact, everyone knows that you can die of dehydration sooner than you can die of hunger. So, the fluids that you put into you body are extremely important when it comes to the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. In fact, fluid intake is critical upon the success or failure of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss endeavor.

Water is the first key liquid in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey's success. Water is extremely important when it comes to your body. First of all, you body is 80% water. Without a constant intake of water, your body would eventually start shutting down until you died. So, we take water pretty seriously when it comes to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Water hydrates your body, is used to flush toxins from your system, and keeps your lungs moist during cardiovascular activity. It is recommended to take in 8 - 10 8oz. glasses of water per day, and I recommend that you start doing so. Your body must have plenty of water to do its part in achieving a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Take a large water bottle and a cup with you to work. When the water bottle is empty, then refill it. Having the water present will encourage you to drink it more often. Your body will thank you for it by flushing out the toxins from your system that can actually impede upon the success of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey.

Coffee and soda must be eliminated from your diet to succeed in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Soda should only be had occasionally as a reward for your hard work. For me, I have a soda when I have pizza, and that is about it. Your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is dependent upon a minimum amount of caffeine intake, and increased water intake when drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic, and will actually pull the water from your body. This is extremely bad when it comes to your body operating at top efficiency while you're exercising. Believe me, you will feel the difference! I will treat myself to the occasional energy drink in replacement of my afternoon snack mentioned in Phase I. However, your journey towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be an unpleasant one with too much caffeine intake.

Green tea is the best and highest recommended caffeinated beverage that you can have for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Most of them are even decaffeinated! I would recommend that you have 3 - 4 cups of hot green tea per day. Studies have shown an increase in energy levels and metabolisms for subjects who took in certain quantities of green tea on a daily basis, which also resulted in reduction of body fat content. The study showed that for positive results, 3 cups per day were necessary for a 156 lb. subject. (More information on the health benefits of green tea will be made available to members of my website listed below.) However, in relation to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you have just found your replacement for coffee!

For those of you that want something more to drink during your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey... When it comes to fitness tuning, you want to choose wisely about what you put into your body, and not base your decision upon taste alone. Unfortunately, the majority of people base their beverage choices on taste and usually upon it being a sweet taste, which means too much sugar. However, there are a few key beverages that can give you some flavor variety, as well as give you a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss boost as well!

POM Wonderful 100% Pomegranate Juice - Packed with cancer fighting anti-oxidants, and was rated as the top source of anti-oxidants of all beverages on the market.

Vitamin A & D Organic Milk & Organic Soymilk with Calcium - Fatty acids, calcium, Vitamin A & D, as well as isoflavones and protein with the soymilk, give you more health benefits than you can shake a stick at.

Tropicana Essentials Fiber, Heart, & Antioxidant Advantage - Packed with Vitamin C, the Essentials line of Tropicana orange juice offers a wide variety of health benefits tailored for your specific needs.

Sobe No Fear (Sugar Free) - I have found this to be the best of the energy drinks on the market for me. I don't drink them every day, but they serve well on a jam-packed day of 10+ hours of work followed by time at the gym. (Remember: drink extra water when drinking caffeine!)

Gatorade Performance Series & Propel Fitness Water - Jam packed with electrolytes, I try to drink the Performance Series an hour before my workout, and follow my workout with a Propel Fitness Water.

Changing the quality of fluids taken into your body each day is the final path toward your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. You now have at your disposal the three phases to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success. Ensure that you adhere to the promise that you have made to yourself, and ensure that you follow all three paths. Your success in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is dependent upon you and you alone. Further information will be distributed to members of my free membership site listed below. You will gain access to fitness tuning nutrition, dieting, and fitness information, including information relating to all three phases of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. So, embark on your journey and lead the way to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss success!

Saturday 11 February 2017

Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase II

We left off with my last article of "Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss - Phase I". As a recap, you learned how you should adjust your diet to ensure that your healthy weight loss is also a quick weight loss. Now, we are on to Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. So, what is the next fitness tuning path that I must pursue after you have adopted a complete and healthy diet?

Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is exercise. Now that you have adopted a complete and healthy diet, and your body has all of the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins that it is supposed to, it is time to put all of that good work to use! Exercise is the next key ingredient to the amazing recipe of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. Not only must you exercise, but you must do so intelligently. There is no need for you to try to kill yourself in the beginning. Instead, it is better for you to take baby steps and to work yourself up to advanced workout routines. The road to a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will only be as bumpy as you choose to make it!

Start you healthy weight loss and quick weight loss workouts slowly. That means that you should work yourself up to doing advanced workouts. My working out started with cardiovascular activity, and body training. I would suggest that you do the same. Body training will consist of using your own body weight to train your muscles. This means that you do push-ups, sit-ups & crunches, pull-ups, squats, lunges, dips, reverse crunches, calf-raises, and flutter kicks. These are excellent exercises to start Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, and builds up your muscles' endurance. Do as many minutes of cardiovascular exercise that you can, following the completion of your body training exercises. Start yourself at ten minutes and work your way up to thirty minutes. This is the preparation step necessary for a successful Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss.

The next step of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is to move your fitness tuning efforts into the gym. Once you are able to pump out your body training exercises like a professional, then you are ready for weight and resistance training. Depending upon your body type and desire for body type, the method of gym training for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey differs. To plainly put it, if you want to put on muscle size and increase strength, you will use more weight with fewer repetitions; if you are solely concerned about core strength and toning your body, then you will use less weight and more repetitions. Deciding upon what body type you want is the easiest part of a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. With either method, use the pyramid set structure. This means to increase your weight with each set of the exercise, and complete 3 sets per exercise. Refer to my fitness tuning website, listed below, if further information is needed regarding healthy weight loss and quick weight loss exercises or exercise techniques.

During Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, remember to use your head. When you are starting a new exercise for the first time, use an extremely light weight. Not only will this ensure that you don't injure yourself doing the exercise, but it will also allow you to use proper form for the exercise from the very beginning. Achieving a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is impossible if you injure yourself in the gym. In fact, a gym injury can set your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss exercise program back weeks, even months. Remember, if you can't do ten repetitions of your third set of an exercise, that's OK as well. As long as you can do ten repetitions of the first two sets of the exercise, then eventually your strength will build enough for you to do ten repetitions of the third exercise. This is the fitness tuning method of Phase II of your healthy weight loss and a quick weight loss, and has been working for fitness enthusiasts for years.

The gym portion of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss is simple. You do three exercises per muscle group, and do two muscle groups per day. This means you can do chest and triceps the first day, back and biceps the second day, and legs and shoulders the third day. Finish your exercise routines off on those three days with twenty or thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise. On the fourth day, do only abdominal exercises, unless you are working your abdominal muscles on the other three days along with the other muscle groups. If this is the case, then the fourth day is a complete day of rest. In order to be completely successful in your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must give your body time to recuperate. You are giving your body the nutrients that it needs to recuperate from your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss efforts, but the last ingredient is rest.

By utilizing these exercise methods and techniques, you will ensure success in Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey. Once you have mastered the gym routines listed above, then you are ready for more advanced training methods. You are able to find out more information on all of the fitness tuning training techniques for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss program listed in this article, as well as more advanced training methods, by clicking on my website's link below. You can join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I send to all of my members. You will also be able to build the workout routine that is best for you, and ensure your success in Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today!

Friday 10 February 2017

Discover How a Quick Weight Loss Can Be a Healthy Weight Loss-Phase I

How can a quick weight loss also be a healthy weight loss? Truthfully, if this is the thought on your mind, you are miles ahead of the majority of people interested in weight loss today. In fact, the true thought that the majority of weight loss seeker are having is, "How can I have a quick weight loss?" There is no mention of a healthy weight loss at all! The problem is that everyone wants the results, but doesn't care about what they have to do to get there. More importantly, they don't care about the long term negative affects that will follow their quick weight loss. In order to achieve your healthy weight loss and for it to also be a quick weight loss, you must make some fitness tuning changes to your body.

Now that we've identified that your mind should be on how a quick weight loss must also be a healthy weight loss, let's get you there! We are going to address several things regarding your life and how you live it. I will give you the paths that you need to take in order for you to get to a healthy weight loss. Then you will need to go down those paths, one at a time. How well and how dedicated you are to accomplishing the completion of those paths will determine whether or not you have a quick weight loss. I will give you the tools to make a healthy weight loss also be a quick weight loss, but you must use them, and use them properly, for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss to occur.

Step one, to achieve your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, will be to make some changes to your diet. You must, and must want to, start with your diet. If you are a person that has a minimal or non-existent amount of exercise done each week, then trying to tackle that step first can be disastrous. If you run into the gym, before you correct your dieting deficiencies, you will feel a great deal of fatigue during exercise, and possibly faintness, dizziness, and extended muscle soreness and fatigue afterwards. To begin your stepping into a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, you must first begin with giving your body the nutrients that it needs. Otherwise, your quest towards a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss will be that much more difficult, not to mention less enjoyable!

The dieting change to begin your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey is your daily food intake. You should have three meals a day, each containing a carbohydrate, a fruit or vegetable, and a protein. These items must also be evenly proportioned for each meal. You should get plenty of whole grains in your diet, so make sure that your carbohydrate sources are whole grain as often as possible. Ensure that you also get plenty of good cholesterol in order to keep your cholesterol level under control. This means that you should be eating a variety of nuts, eggs, and fish and including olive oil in your diet. In fact, I would recommend at least one meal a day which contains some kind of fish. Not only is it a good source of protein, but the Omega-3 oils that are contained in fattier fishes such as salmon and mackerel are essential for a healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, as well as healthy living.

Some fitness tuning suggestions for your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss diet.In the morning, I start my day with a fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and some bacon or sausage, followed by a multivitamin. For lunch you should also plan your lunch to contain a protein source, a carbohydrate, and a vegetable. I only have fruit with my meal in the morning, due to the fact that the sugar will help you to start your day by giving you the energy that you need. Vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals than fruit and therefore must be of higher concentration in your diet. My dinner always contains a meat, pasta or potatoes, and a steamed vegetable or salad. The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will slow down the absorption of the carbohydrates into your body, and will allow you to burn off absorbed carbohydrates before they can be stored as fat. By following these diet guidelines, your healthy weight loss will become a quick weight loss as well. Plus, you will have the energy to begin the next path towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey that will be found in Phase II.

Believe it or not, your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan involves snacks! In order to ensure that you are supporting your body's needs for Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, you must have two between-meal snacks. I continually use protein bars and protein shakes as my between-meal snack. However, I have also been known to use trail-mix that contains more nuts than fruits. Your goal is to ensure that your body is getting all of the proteins that it needs to support Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss plan. If you should ever feel a craving for something sweet, then have a piece of fruit. Some fruits have more sugars than others, such as bananas, grapes, pineapples, raisins, and mangos, and should be eaten sparingly. These are the desserts that will help to lead to your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss, not to mention a healthier you.

You have now completed Phase I of your journey towards your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss. You have started your fitness tuning process by ensuring that the foods that you take into your body are healthy and contain all of the elements needed for your body's healthy lifestyle. I will be following this article with Phase II of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey, but you will be able to get more information regarding proper dieting and the benefits from doing so by clicking on my fitness tuning website's link below. You will be able to join my free membership website, and gain access to all of the nutrition, dieting, and fitness information that I share with all of my members from week to week. Begin Phase I of your healthy weight loss and quick weight loss journey today, and you will soon lead yourself to the results that you desire.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Healthy Weight Loss Plan

Finding a healthy way to lose weight is no mean feat. Various products and programs available in the market are enticing you with "easy" and "instant" promises, which are quite misleading. You need to be wary about your choice. As a responsible individual, you need to be certain that the routine you decide to follow through is indeed a healthy weight loss plan. Here are important tips to guide you in choosing a safe, effective, and healthy plan that will suit your needs.

Refrain from the Latest Diet Trends and Crash Dieting
A meal program that restricts you to eat only one food item like The Cabbage Soup, The Grapefruit, or The Lemonade Diets ought to ring warning bells in your head. Yes it is a fact that you will lose some pounds with these plans but it is important to note that such diet lacks the essential amount of nutrients your body needs to function properly. You should realize this is not a healthy choice. When you starve your body with the nutrition it requires, your plan is obviously doomed to fail. The way to lose weight properly is by providing the body with the right food that will promote the lean muscle growth and fat loss, definitely not by going on an unnecessary hunger strike.

Calculate the Calories
Consider the healthy weight loss regimen that makes it easy for you to count the amount of calories necessary to lose pounds each week. Losing more than 2 pounds is unhealthy. Calculating the calories of your food is helpful in accomplishing your weight loss goals. When you minimize the calories you take in, you will lose weight effectively. A program that lures you with immediate results is not a true healthy weight loss plan. Remember weight isn't gained overnight, so you cannot lose weight overnight either. You'll be surprised to know that you can actually lose weight while eating a lot of food and be satisfied at the same time. You just have to choose and follow a healthy weight loss regimen that enhances the metabolism of calories by breaking down fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Portion Control and Water Intake
Portion control is vital in every healthy weight loss plan. It will encourage you to be hungry prior to meal time and you will be guided on how to carefully recognize when you are hungry and when you are already full. Drinking lots of water is highly encouraged because it promotes the feeling of fullness when eating. Proper hydration is also essential as this allows you to rid your body with toxins and waste materials. You will not only feel clean from the inside, but you'll soon notice how it promotes healthy weight loss.

Less Food and More Workout for Healthy Weight Loss
Losing weight the healthy way combines exercise to achieve your desired results. A minimum of twenty minutes of physical exercise thrice a week will launch your body's metabolism and will contribute to healthy weight loss. Begin with small measures to condition your system and prepare your heart. You can then gradually increase the exercise and prolong the duration. With the right plan and your own determination, you can achieve your desired weight and healthy lifestyle.
When you follow a healthy weight loss program that includes all these elements, you will be on the right path to fitness and health. As long as good health is your main goal, healthy weight loss will definitely follow.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Healthy Weight Loss: The Detox Diet Way

Permanent Weight Loss Equals Healthy Weight Loss
Permanent and healthy weight loss can not only improve ones self-esteem, but it can also be an integral part of increasing overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. However, many weight loss approaches train the victim (You!) to do all the wrong things, and eat all the wrong foods, leading to rebound weight gain. If you lose weight in a healthy way, then you weight loss will be permanent.

Weight Watchers Damages Metabolism
I have seen so many people going to a program like Weight Watchers completely ruin their metabolism by losing more muscle than fat. They get applauded every week when they improve their weight loss by losing muscle. In the long run, this person ends up gaining the weight back because of the metabolic slow-down due to the loss of muscle, which is discouraging to say the least.

Diet and Detox Weight Loss
No healthy detox weight loss plan is complete without a well-balanced diet of REAL FOOD! I recommend a colorful mediterranean diet that is modified to be low glycemic index. Establishing a healthy diet does not mean taking away all carbs; nor does it mean stocking your shelf with low-fat diet foods. Rather, you should intake a diet full of lean proteins, plenty of non-starchy vegetables, and limited amounts of beans, healthy fruits and nuts. Optional would some limited amounts of whole grains. Of course, no detox diet would be complete without plenty of pure water.

Movement and Detox Weight Loss
In addition to a nutritious diet and plenty of water, movement is also important for detox weight loss. Regardless of what type of movement you enjoy, the important thing is to get going! Try walking five times a week for about 30 minutes. Not only are you getting exercise and burning calories, but you are also moving lymph, and stimulating blood flow through your tissues - essential for proper detoxification.

If you live in a northern climate where walking outside might be dangerous in the winter due to slippery conditions, most malls welcome exercising walkers. If walking is not your thing, consider becoming a member of the local gym. There are typically many cardio options such as bikes, elliptical machines, stair stepping machines, treadmills, etc. In addition, most gyms offer weight machines, free weights, balls, etc. Most gyms also offer classes such as spin classes, aerobics classes, and more.

If you have to chose between cardio and resistance, the science shows that you will burn more fat with in the long run with resistance exercise, especially if you do large compound movements that work large muscles in groups, spiking your heart rate. This high-intensity approach will boost your metabolism for over 48 hours. So doing both resistance and aerobic exercise is best, but rest assured that a simple 150 minute a week walking program along with a scientifically-based detox diet weight loss plan will work.

If you just can't seem to go it alone, an investment in a personal trainer may be worth your while as you try to achieve some healthy fat burning. Though personal trainers may seem expensive, they can often prevent injuries by making sure you use the proper form.
I know that an injury may be a far-off thought for you right now, but trust me, an injury can really set back your weight loss and belly fat reducing goals dramatically. Imagine not being able to exercise at all! Rather than exerting maximal effort, the better choice is to dial it back a bit to prevent injury. Train don't Strain is the watchword.

I like my personal trainers to have a "touch of grey" if you know what I mean. This increases the likelihood that they have dealt with their own training injuries. Personal experience with injuries makes for a wiser personal trainer who can better at help you avoid injury that can stop your weight loss progress.

Diet Pills Are Crap
You know from reading my diet pills article than 99.99% of the diet pills out there are pure crap! The only diet pills that actually work without a rebound effect are ones that nourish the detoxification pathways of the body, so the liver gets decongested and fat is burned faster. You will see a lot of other benefits too, digestion improving, skin and eyes getting clearer, rashes and skin conditions spontaneously clearing up, and aches and pains going away. The best side effect of including detox nutrition in your fat-burning plan is this: When you are toxic, your body retains a lot of water. When you detox and diet at the same time, you lose that extra water weight quickly, without dehydrating yourself, accelerating your slimming and weight loss. In this case, the water loss is healthy, because it is not from using diuretic diets pills, but occurring naturally from having healthier, less-toxic cells.

Fad Detox Diets Increase Toxicity and Impair Fat Burning
Fasting on only fruit, the "Master Cleanse", the "Popcorn Diet" and other unhealthy fad detox diets really all fall down for two reasons:
First, your body needs a wide range of nutrients to be able to detoxify and excrete toxins. When you are on a super restricted mono diet or fad like the Master Cleanse, you actually impair the detoxification process, impeding your fat burning!
Second, toxins and their toxic metabolites circulate in the body and get redeposited in the tissues causing toxicity headaches and flu-like symptoms. Unknowning consumers of the fad detox diets frequently assume that their headaches, body-aches, and runny noses are a sign that their fad diet is working; but in fact this indicates that they are missing critical nutritional substrates for proper detox.

I cannot emphasize enough how unhealthy these fad detox diets are. They both impair fat-burning and detoxification and increase toxicity.

A Healthy Detox Diet Approach
Though there are many weight loss methods out there, but for best results we recommend a healthy detoxification diet approach that includes movement, an eating system for life, and plenty of tissue cleansing nutritional support for speedy results. A detox diet for life means a non-fad detox diet that supplies you with the protein, fiber, and other nutrients to nourish healthy body structures and metabolic detoxification pathways so your body can detox every day, for the rest of your life.

When your goal is detox weight loss, then apply these same principles with reduced caloric intake, and consider supplementing your healthy whole-food detox diet with a scientifically-based supplement that nourishes the metabolic detox pathways for enhanced results.