Monday 29 August 2016

High-Protein Diet for Weight Loss

Going on a high-protein diet may help you tame your hunger, which could help you lose weight.
You can try it by adding some extra protein to your meals. Give yourself a week, boosting protein gradually.
Remember, calories still count. You'll want to make good choices when you pick your protein.
If you plan to add a lot of protein to your diet, or if you have liver or kidney disease, check with your doctor first.

The Best Protein Sources

Choose protein sources that are nutrient-rich and lower in saturated fat and calories, such as:
  • Lean meats
  • Seafood
  • Beans
  • Soy
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
It's a good idea to change up your protein foods. For instance, you could have salmon or other fish that's rich in omega-3s, beans or lentils that give you fiber as well as protein, walnuts on your salad, or almonds on your oatmeal.
How much protein are you getting? Here's how many grams of protein are in these foods:
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese: 14
3 ounces tofu, firm: 13
1/2 cup cooked lentils: 9
2 tablespoons natural-style peanut butter or almond butter: 8
1 ounce cooked lean meat, fish, skinless poultry: 7
1 ounce cheese: 7
1/2 cup cooked kidney beans: 7

High-Protein Diets: Do They Work?

1 ounce nuts: 4-7
1 large egg: 6
4 ounces low-fat plain yogurt: 6
4 ounces soy milk: 5
4 ounces low-fat milk: 4

Carbs and Fats

While you're adding protein to your diet, you should also stock up on "smart carbs" such as:
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Beans and legumes (both also have protein)
  • Low-fat milk and yogurt (both have protein)

Also try healthy fats such as:

  • Nuts and natural-style nut butters
  • Seeds
  • Olives
  • Extra virgin olive oil and canola oil
  • Fish
  • Avocados

To help manage your appetite, it also helps to split your daily calories into four or five smaller meals or snacks.


Sunday 28 August 2016

How To Lose Belly Fat in 1 Week : Best Ab Workout For Women - No Equipme...

The biggest reason you gain weight as you age has nothing to do with your metabolism

You've probably heard that once you hit 40, it's all downhill when it comes to your weight.
That inexplicable force we call our metabolism does begin to grind a bit slower every year from age 30 onward.
Here's the good news: The rate at which your metabolism slows down is actually rather minimal. In reality, most weight gain that happens in midlife isn't the result of a slower metabolism at all.
Instead, it comes down to a simple but changeable truth: As we get older, we get less and less active.
While this might sound depressing, it's actually great news. There's plenty we can do to counteract the slow, seemingly inevitable onset of poundage. But first, here are some basics about what metabolism is — and what it isn't.

Your metabolism isn't just your metabolism

Our resting metabolic rate is a measure of how much energy we expend — or "burn" — when we're at rest. It's determined by a combination of factors, including your height, sex, and the genes you got from your parents, and it can't be altered much, no matter what you do.
Beyond that, our bodies appear to enter into three more distinct phases of calorie burning, depending on what we're doing. These three are the types of metabolism that most people are referring to when they say doing certain things, like eating spicy food or working out, can "boost" your metabolism.

Most of the things that people say will boost your metabolism won't

When we're eating, we burn a small number of calories (roughly 10% of our total calories burned for the day). This is called the thermic effect of food, and it's the first of those three phases I mentioned earlier. We can turn up the heat on this process a tiny bit (but not by a whole lot) by doing things like drinking stimulant beverages like coffee and eating large amounts of protein.

"Eating foods like green tea, caffeine, or hot chili peppers will not help you shed excess pounds," notes an entry in the ADAM Medical Encyclopedia, hosted by the National Institutes of Health. "Some may provide a small boost in your metabolism, but not enough to make a difference in your weight."

Instead, get active

Unsurprisingly, the most important calorie-burning activity we engage in is just that — activity.
Whether we're taking the stairs, stepping away from our desks for a coffee, or sweating it out in a hot yoga class, we're expending energy. Researchers call this second phase physical-activity expenditure.
After a strenuous workout, we continue to burn more calories than we would while at rest — and that's the third phase, or what's called excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.
When it comes to counteracting weight gain, these two phases — the ones related to physical activity — are the most important. Your best bet for burning more calories throughout the day is to increase your levels of any kind of activity, be it running or walking. David McNew/Getty Images
Many people think strength training or weight lifting fits into this category, but the evidence suggests otherwise.
Weight lifting can only do so much for your metabolism. Why? Because muscles don't burn a whole lot of calories, as the NIH points out. As far as calorie-melting organs go, your brain is actually far more efficient than your bicep.
"Brain function makes up close to 20% of" resting metabolic rate, Dr. Claude Bouchard, a professor of genetics and nutrition at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center of Louisiana State University, told The Los Angeles Times.
"Next is the heart, which is beating all the time and accounts for another 15-20%. The liver, which also functions at rest, contributes another 15-20%. Then you have the kidneys and lungs and other tissues, so what remains is muscle, contributing only 20-25% of total resting metabolism," Bouchard said.
So while strength training is a healthy habit that will certainly have a helpful effect on things like agility and balance, it won't change your metabolism a great deal.
"This idea that one pound of muscle burns hundreds of extra calories per day is a myth," Gary Foster, Weight Watchers' chief scientific officer and an adjunct professor of psychology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, told Business Insider.

And be mindful about eating

According to the NIH, in addition to getting less active as we get older, we also appear to become less perceptive about our body's nutritional needs over time.
Our natural appetite-control mechanism seems to dull. A good way to be more mindful of how full you're getting is to eat smaller meals and get more only when you're still hungry, rather than sitting down with a large plate of food, which might encourage you to overeat.
"By staying active and sticking with smaller portions of healthy foods, you can ward off weight gain as you age," the NIH website says.


Saturday 27 August 2016

The Best Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Because of all of the conflicting diet information out there, it can be tough to learn what foods are best at burning belly fat and which ones won't help you get a flat belly at all.

It's no wonder many people give up on their plan to try and lose stomach fat because they just don't know what to do. They don't know who to listen to, what to try, and what foods they should be eating in order to lose that belly.

But with a little bit of advice and some healthy meal choices, you don't have to make the process of losing belly fat harder than it actually is. With the right information and certain foods that burn belly fat naturally, losing stomach fat is not as hard as it seems.

If you get rid of the processed foods in your diet and replace them with nutrient-filled, all-natural foods, you'll lose belly fat and feel better than ever.

A lot of processed foods, foods high in sugar, and foods high in saturated fats are usually the main culprit when it comes to packing on unwanted pounds.

By adding a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily meals... it can help you get the vitamins and minerals you need to support losing belly fat.

After all, you're only as healthy as your nutrient intake. If you eat plenty of nutrient-rich fruits and veggies, you give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to be its best. So many of your body's metabolic and physical processes require vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

It can be hard to get these if you're eating a lot of junk food. By eating foods that DON'T help you burn belly fat, things like processed foods, sugar, and saturated fats... getting a flat belly will be a lot tougher.

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of complex carbs and fiber. Carbs are important because they provide energy for your body. Carbs are broken down by the body into blood sugar, which provides energy to your brain and other parts of the body.

The best carbs to get are complex carbs... which are broken down by your body at a slower pace, so you can get a gradual release of blood sugar and a timed release of energy.

Processed foods with a lot of sugar will cause a rapid spike in your blood sugar levels, which can then cause an energy crash a little while after. Also, too much sugar will cause your body to release chemicals that can actually cause you to stop burning belly fat.

Most complex carbs also have a healthy dose of fiber. Fiber helps you to feel full longer. The longer you feel full, the less you're likely to eat and the more likely you'll lose belly fat.
When you make lean meats, wild fish, and organic poultry a part of your meals, you're giving your body the protein it needs to maintain lean muscle tissue and overall good health.
Lean proteins like organic poultry and grass fed beef are some of the foods that burn belly fat. They're not processed so your body burns them fast.

Protein is referred to as the building block of the body because your lean muscle tissue it made of protein. Protein also helps with keeping you feeling full longer and lean proteins also help you lose belly fat because they burn off more calories than fats or carbs

This is called "the thermic effect of foods".
Protein actually burns more calories, while you're resting, than does carbs or fats.
Some of the top foods that burn belly fat are proteins.

Adding lean meats to your diet will help you get the protein you need for lean muscle growth and also other important functions that require amino acids.

You also need certain fats in your diet, they just have to be the healthy fats.
Believe it or not, many of the foods that burn belly fat contain some of these healthy fats.
Healthy fats provide your body with energy, produce hormones, and provide protection for your internal organs.

Fats also help your body use vitamins because many vitamins are fat soluble. This means there has to be some fat present in order for the body to absorb the vitamin.

Fish and raw nuts are great to have in your diet so you can get some of the fats you need to be healthy.

If you get rid of processed junk and replace them with the foods that burn belly fat, you can lose stomach fat without feeling like your dieting or restricting yourself.
One problem with cooking with a lot of the best foods that burn belly fat is some people feel they don't have the time or skill to prepare healthy meals.

But take it from me, grilled chicken breasts don't have to be your only choice for nutritious meals using foods that help burn belly fat.

When you're preparing your recipes, always use wholesome natural and fresh ingredients. Try and keep everything as natural and fresh as possible.

Natural foods include fresh fruits and veggies, whole eggs, free-range poultry, nuts, beans, legumes, and lean meats.

These foods that burn belly fat are not processed and don't contain bad fats, preservatives or any chemicals that can make them dangerous.

Use organic fruits, vegetables, and meats as your main diet staples. Organic meat, poultry, fruits and veggies don't contain the harmful chemicals or genetically engineered materials like many foods do.
Your body will NOT be its healthiest when it's trying to handle toxins, chemicals, and poisons in processed foods.

For the foods to be at their lowest possible calorie totals, stick with sautéed, baked, fried or grilled.
Use olive oil to saute... because it's healthy and can add nutrition to meals.
Bottom line, in order to lose stomach fat, start swapping out unhealthy ingredients for some of these foods that burn belly fat.

You can make recipes healthier by replacing regular milk with raw milk, almond milk, or coconut milk.

If you don't like a particular food, just replace or eliminate the ingredients and use some other healthy options.

You don't have to deprive yourself of delicious meals in order to lose belly fat. Start using some of these foods that burn belly fat and soon you'll be on your way to a flat stomach.

With a little bit of planning, you can choose healthy, fat-burning foods to use each day, instead of processed or high-sugar foods.
And that will be one of the fastest ways for you to lose belly fat in less time.

Learn how to lose stomach fat in less time. Proven nutrition and meal planning information will show you how to lose stomach fat. Get the diets to lose belly fat as well as foods that burn belly fat. Foods that burn belly fat []

Tuesday 23 August 2016

4 foods you should stop eating right now

Whether you're a diet-conscious person or someone who wants to get into the habit of healthy eating, there are certain foodstuffs you shouldn't touch if you want to achieve your goal of staying fit! We list a few...
Did you know, soda is loaded with empty calories from high fructose corn syrup? What's more, you should stop drinking soda, because it is known to contribute to obesity and is also likely to increase the risk of diabetes and high-blood pressure in people.

White bread

Made out of maida, white bread is unhealthy because it is, quite literally, bleached! So this process not only rids the bread of its flavour but also of all its essential nutrients. So instead of white bread, opt for a wholesome, whole grain or brown bread for your sandwiches.

Whole dairy

Of course, dairy and dairy products are good for your health, but whole-fat dairy is full of fat and cholesterol. So always choose low-fat dairy and its products, which has all the nutrients you need.

Fast foods
The amount of calories one fast food meal contains is almost equal to the amount of calories one must consume in the entire day! While some of these calories come from protein, most come from the sugar (of the soda) and the fat (usually he burger and fries!) in the food. 


Monday 22 August 2016

7 Day Flat Belly Diet Plan

Celebrity trainer James Duigan's Clean & Lean diet plan can help you lose all the unwanted flab. The diet involves cutting out 'toxic' foods that encourage the body to store fat — including alcohol, sugar and processed foods. Meals on James's diet plan are full of fish, lean meat — including turkey and chicken — and fresh, preferably organic vegetables.
James says, "My diet works on the principle that your body's natural state is lean and fit, not sluggish and fat. But processed foods and drinks and excess sugar pollute the body, causing fat to cling to the hips, thighs, bum and tummy. However, as soon as you stop doing the wrong thing, your body responds very quickly, and you'll get lean fast. But you have to believe you can do it. It doesn't matter how often you have failed in the past. What matters now is focusing on what you want and taking action."

Food rules Make these changes to your diet to lose weight and get a flat tummy fast!

1 Cut the C.R.A.P: Avoid the four main food groups that cause fat to cling to our bodies: caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods.

2 But allow yourself a weekly cheat meal. Once a week, enjoy an indulgent meal of whatever you fancy, from creamy pasta to a slice of chocolate cake with cream. As ong as you're eating clean, healthy food the rest of the time, an occasional high-fat treat actually speeds up your metabolism.

3 Take fish oil supplements: They burn fat and supply essential fatty acids.

4 Always have breakfast: Eat within one hour of waking up. If you don't have time for a proper breakfast, just grab a piece of fruit and a few nuts.

5 Don't eat after 8pm: Eating a large meal in the evening when your body is slowing down or sleeping is a bad idea for your digestion and weight.

Five food swaps for flat Abs

Bad croissants: Full of fat, sugar and no goodness Milk Most non-organic milk is filled with hormones Standard yoghurt Most are full of sugar Margarine Full of chemicals Beer High sugar and calories

Better wholemeal bread: Fibre is good for digestion Organic milk It's chemical-free Organic yoghurt It's free from pesticides Olive oil spread Full of essential fatty acids Organic cider Less alcohol and calories.

Best spelt bread: No tummy-bloating gluten

Organic almond milk: Doesn't contain lactose that can cause bloating Organic full-fat yoghurt Makes you feel full and is less sugary than low-fat options Organic butter Natural and additive free Good red wine Grape skin contains resveratrol, a great antioxidant

Tummy toning moves
James Duigan says, "Exercise smarter, not harder. So, if you are trying to lose weight, don't go mad with exercise — get more out of less." These moves can help you get a flatter tummy as they reduce levels of stress hormones in the body, which encourage fat around your middle.

Breathing squat - Go slow and low and repeat 10 times
- Stand with feet shoulder width apart, arms out and parallel to floor
- Inhale through the nose, then lower your bottom down as far as is still comfortable while exhaling l Pause for a few seconds, then inhale as you come up

Energy push Great for digestion — breathe slowly and repeat 20 times - Take a comfortable stance with feet shoulder width apart, arms in front of you, palms facing down
- Inhale and pull hands back towards your shoulders
- Exhale, pushing your arms back out to starting position Leg tuck Great for lower abs — repeat 10 times
- Lie back, feet on floor, knees bent l Inhale then bring knees into your chest as you exhale
- Inhale again as you return your feet to the floor

Your food plan
Stick to this eating plan for two weeks to start your weight loss. It's best to begin on a weekend, when you have more time to get everything ready. Plus, you won't feel so stressed or rushed, which means you'll be less likely to succumb to a mid-afternoon chocolate bar.

Day 1 Breakfast: Omelette made with three egg whites and filled with 75g chopped mixed peppers and a handful of spinach Mid-morning snack: 100g chicken with ½ red pepper, sliced
Lunch: One grilled chicken breast, mixed salad leaves, red peppers, green beans and ¼ tbsp olive oil
Mid-afternoon snack: 100g turkey breast with ¼ cucumber, sliced
Dinner: 100g grilled chicken breast with steamed broccoli

Day 2 Breakfast: Baked chicken breast with a handful of stir-fried kale Mid-morning snack: 100g turkey breast and ½ green pepper, sliced
Lunch: Baked haddock fillet with mixed green salad, with ½ tbsp olive oil
Mid-afternoon snack: 100g turkey breast with 75g steamed broccoli
Dinner: One salmon steak with chopped dill and steamed green beans

Day 3 Breakfast: 100g smoked salmon, plus spinach Mid-morning snack: 100g chicken breast with ½ yellow pepper, sliced
Lunch: One grilled chicken breast with garden salad and ½ tbsp olive oil
Mid-afternoon snack: 100g turkey slices with ¼ avocado
Dinner: One grilled lamb steak (or two cutlets); steamed broccoli and spinach

Day 4 Breakfast: Scrambled eggs (one whole, two whites), tomatoes, green beans Mid-morning snack: 100g turkey slices with ¼ cucumber, sliced
Lunch: Baked cod fillet with salad, tomato, spinach and ½ tbsp olive oil
Mid-afternoon snack: 100g chicken breast with ½ grilled courgette
Dinner: 100g chicken breast stir-fry made with ½ tsp oil and green veg

Day 5 Breakfast: 200g turkey breast with ¼ avocado and ¼ cucumber, sliced Mid-morning snack: Two hard-boiled eggs with ½ red pepper, sliced
Lunch: 150g grilled prawns with a green salad and tomatoes, ½ tbsp olive oil
Mid-afternoon snack: 100g turkey breast with five almonds
Dinner: 100g chicken breast with steamed broccoli

Day 6 Breakfast: One grilled haddock fillet with roasted peppers and courgettes Mid-morning snack: 100g chicken with one tomato, sliced
Lunch: 150g turkey with green salad, steamed broccoli and ½ tbsp olive oil
Mid-afternoon snack: 100g chicken with five pecan nuts
Dinner: 150g-200g steak served with steamed green beans and broccoli

Day 7 Breakfast: Three-egg-white omelette, grilled tomatoes and steamed spinach Mid-morning snack: 100g turkey with five Brazil nuts
Lunch: 150g chicken breast with steamed asparagus and green salad
Mid-afternoon snack: 100g turkey with ¼ cucumber, sliced
Dinner: Grilled, skinless duck breast with steamed oriental greens or broccoli


Saturday 20 August 2016

How to Lose Belly Fat Fast - 5 Tummy Tucking Tips

How one can lose belly fat is one of very common question among us these days and reason being our unhealthful, inactive or sedentary lifestyles. As belly fat is positioned very deep the body skin and may induce many diseases at times like heart diseases, diabetes and cholesterol level. Therefore, belly fat not only causes visual problems but causes functional problems as well. Below are some simple tips in order to lose belly fat:

Drink Lots of water
You have probably already heard many times that you require drinking lots of water in order to lose weight and it is quiet true! Make the habit of drinking 10-12 large glasses of water daily. You will have much more energy and you will be able to control your hunger better, you will boost your metabolism, and you will simply lose your belly fat quicker. If you do not like plain water so take seltzer or mineral water with some lemon or lime juice. Green tea that is sugar-free is also a good choice and may even boost up the fat loss method more -- particularly if you drink it before going to work.

How to Lose Belly Fat with Help of a Meal or Diet
Diet is very important where belly fat is related. If you will eat fat-friendly diet so it would only stop enlargement of belly but would also aid body to fight against fat. You should start eating 4-5 mini meals in a day instead of taking 3 main and larger meals. It would help you to lose belly fat as we will be eating less during main and larger meals. Small and regular interval foods also enhance metabolism as body needs more energy. Starting your day with rich and healthy breakfast and ending it with poor dinner. Apart from the frequency of meals, type of meal is also significant. There are some foods which help lose belly fat such as vegetables/ fruits/fish and black chocolates etc. Contrary to this, some foods demolish the efforts to lose belly fat. Foods containing high saturated fats/ sugar should not be included in our meal.

Eat more lean protein.
In order to lose belly fat, lean protein is one of your most precious allies. You must try to include some kind of lean protein in each and every food you eat. Also making you feel full and minimizing cravings, eating protein aids to boost up the metabolism while at the same time keeping blood glucose and insulin levels in check (as it is very important when trying to lose body fat). To top it off, lean protein is essential to build and maintain muscle tissue and the more muscle you have in your body the easier it is going to be to lose weight. Few of the best protein sources for loss belly fat are: chicken, lean beef, turkey, seeds, fish, nuts, and whey protein powder.

Eat fruits and vegetables.
You must try to eat many large servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the whole day. They are packed with the minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients that are essential for an optimized metabolism. If you can not eat at least 6 large servings per day be assure to take a good multimineral/multivitamin supplement every morning.

Avoid Late Night Snacks - Stop Comfort Eating
Don't eat late night snacks. The major problem with late night snacking is that as there is not much activity done later on and people go straight to bed for sleep after the late night meal as they are tired. So, this will induce high glucose levels in the blood stream and no energy spent. The excess of glucose will just turn into belly fat very rapidly. A fluctuation in blood glucose level causes increases in hunger. Losing stomach fat needs a strict diet so avoiding appetite is essential. Late night snacking is frequently emotional eating and not eating to foster.

Sever a sweat in the morning time.
No matter what anyone attempts to tell you, it is much harder to lose belly fat without doing some types of exercise on daily basis. You do not have to go overboard and spend much time in the gym. Nor must you do hours and hours of "slow, long and boring" cardio exercise. What you must do is find something you like and enjoy doing that allows you to get your heart rate up. And you must do it first thing in the early morning most days in the whole week. There are many reasons why morning exercise tends to work great for fat loss, but the greatest two are below:
  • Different studies have proved that people who have the habit of working out first thing in the morning run to stick with a fitness program longer as compare to people who exercise later on in the day. In fact, after only a couple of weeks, many people become "addicted" to this morning exercise sessions because it makes them feel so pleasing and great for the rest of the day.
  • Doing some work before the first food of the day is a very common fat loss method among fitness competitors, bodybuilders and models.
The traditional exercises we have been told to do in order to burn fat are usually the least efficient method to lose belly fat. Daily people do millions of sit-ups and crunches which won't aid to create the stomach flat. Cardio routines are very good for your heart rate but does just little to work your waistline and assist you lose belly fat. There are other exercises that can cause to belly fat loss and usually can be done in only minutes a day.

Finally, in order to lose belly fat you require the best combination of powerful natural foods and the right daily exercise routine. If these elements work together it can help you lose your belly fat and get that flat stomach you have always desired. You will also require determination and the will to stick with these exercise programs.

5 Foods To NEVER Eat

Drink This Before You Sleep At Night To Have Less Weight In The Morning! (Recipe)

Belly fat can be sometimes be too stubborn to deal with, so instead of feeling hopeless, here is a simple yet powerful drink to help you accomplish your weight loss mission and during the process to eliminate excess belly fat that has been bothering you for a while.

This amazing remedy can make your body burn fat overnight! It’s true – a combination of honey and cinnamon can lower your cholesterol, improve your blood circulation, bloodflow, metabolism and digestion and help you burn fat even while you sleep.

Honey is key element of this recipe and everyone is already familiar with its benefits. In brief, honey boosts immunity and improves overall health.

Cinnamon is the second ingredient, a spice which improves circulation, lowers blood cholesterol, improves metabolism and digestion, improves blood flow, and helps melt fat faster.
You can also add some lemon juice, if needed for scent.

-Water -2 tsp. of cinnamon -2 tsp. of honey
Add 2 teaspoons of cinnamon into a boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Allow it to cool before adding 2 teaspoons of honey and mix well and consume before bedtime.

This drink will help you clean the stomach and intestines, eliminate bacteria or parasites, and melt fat tissue in no time.

Friday 19 August 2016

10 WEIGHT LOSS Life Hacks to LOSE WEIGHT FAST and EASY! (Tips That Actua...

Is Weight Loss Really 80 Percent Diet and 20 Percent Exercise?

If you've ever Googled, "Is diet or exercise more important for weight loss?" you've probably come across this seemingly arbitrary formula for dropping pounds: It's 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. But where did that 80/20 ratio come from? And what does it really mean?
To solve that mystery, we asked experts for their takes on the idea and what it means for your weight-loss plan:

Why Your Meals Are So Important
The key to weight loss is achieving a negative energy balance, or taking in less calories than you burn, says Albert Matheny, R.D., C.S.C.S., co-founder of SoHo Strength Lab and PROMIX Nutrition.  To shed a single pound, you need to achieve a 3,500 calorie deficit. So if you're following the 80/20 ratio, you'd want to burn approximately 750 calories through exercise and cut an additional 3,000 calories through dieting, says Matheny. That’s a total deficit of 3,750 calories for the week.

RELATED: The Diets That Are Proven to Make You GAIN Weight

Here's what that might look like:
80 percent diet 20 percent exercise

Photograph by Alyssa Zolna

The reason dieting is so much more effective than exercise is because it takes a ton of activity to create a 500 to 700 calorie deficit through working out. Essentially, you’d need to run seven to 10 miles a day to lose one pound a week, says Holly Lofton, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine and director of the weight management program at New York University's Langone Medical Center. The average person can’t keep this up, especially without increasing their caloric intake.
“I see this in patients all the time,” says Lofton. “People think, ‘If I run the marathon or start going to boot camp, I’m going to lose weight’ but they’re often disappointed when they don’t.”
You don't need to hit an exact 80/20 ratio to shed pounds, but it is important for people to focus primarily on diet when they're trying to lose weight. "You can lose weight without exercise, but you cannot lose weight if your nutrition counteracts your energy expenditure through exercise," Matheny says.


Why Sweating Is Still Vital
This doesn't necessarily mean you should trade your 60-minute boot camp class for one hour of meal prepping instead.
Sure, it’s much easier to create a 500-calorie deficit through diet alone than it is to burn 500 calories through exercise, says Lofton. But when you combine a sweat sesh and a healthy diet, you don't have to make many dramatic changes at all. For example, instead of eliminating 500 calories by painstakingly striking all dairy from your diet, you could burn 250 calories at the gym and then cut another 250 calories just by skipping your nightly bowl of ice cream.
“A combination of diet and exercise is best at any stage of weight loss,” says Mathenny. “Exercise should be a mix of strength training and cardiovascular training, not just cardio. Both modes of exercise burn calories and, in turn, lead to stored fat being used as a source of energy.”
Keep in mind that the body tends to resist weight loss when you start eating less, which can lead to a plateau, says Lofton. That's what we call starvation mode—and it happens to everybody who successfully sheds pounds. Though your metabolism might actually start to slow as you lose weight, you can speed it up again by working out—and especially by strength training.
The bottom line: What you eat matters more than how you work it off, but fitness will push you past plateaus and help you achieve your ultimate goals.

Article source

Thursday 18 August 2016

Eat These Foods to Burn Belly Fat

Can you burn off your belly fat by eating more protein?

7 Biggest Mistakes Weight Loss Coaches See Their Clients Make

Weight loss mistakes
You're ready to lose some weight. You probably realize that losing weight successfully means clearing countless mental and physical hurdles. And that means there are endless ways to trip up before reaching your goals—likely without even realizing it. With all the contradictory weight loss advice out there, it's no wonder.

Well, there's a new type of specialist—the weight-loss coach—who can help you cut through the diet and exercise noise and guide you to the best plan for achieving and sustaining your goal. Here, some of the country's leading weight loss coaches share the most common mental and physical mistakes that hold clients back, and the best solutions. (Lose up to 15 pounds in just 30 days with this revolutionary superfood plan from the publisher of Prevent

Photograph by Inga Nielsen/Shutterstock
You're not eating enough.
Kyra Williams, a weight loss coach certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine says this is a faux pas almost all of her female clients are guilty of. "If you are working out and burning 2,500 calories a day—but only consuming 1,200—you'll force your body to store fat," she says. Not only that, the calorie shortage will slow down your metabolism, making it tougher to build muscle.

Your new weight loss mantra: Don't be afraid to eat! Fill your plate with plenty of healthy carbohydrates (think fruit, starchy veggies, and whole grains), lean proteins (fish, turkey, chicken, and tofu), healthy fats (avocado, oils, nuts, and seeds), and an unlimited amount of greens and other non-starchy veggies. Bonus: Eating 1,800 to 2,000 calories of these healthy eats will keep you so full and satisfied you'll be less likely to binge on junky foods, says Williams.

MORE: 4 Foods That Burn Belly Fat
You're doing all cardio and not enough weights.
Cardio exercise
Illustration by Iconic Bestiary/Shutterstock
You're doing all cardio and not enough weights.
Once again, this is common blunder for women, says Williams. "It's a shame considering muscle mass is what helps you burn fat," she says. "Cardio burns calories, but it doesn't do much to build muscle." Lifting weights helps keep your metabolism revved: You'll burn more fat long after you've worked out.

Your new weight loss mantra: Add some weights to your cardio routine. Two to three days a week, work in 20 minutes or so of weight training on machines, with free weights, or even simply doing body-weight exercises like push-ups, crunches, and pull-ups, says Williams. Start with lighter weights or easier positions (knees down for the push-ups, for example) and fewer reps, but remember to increase the challenge as you get stronger.

MORE: 7 Reasons Your Thighs Aren't Changing No Matter How Much You Work Out
You tell yourself you're "on a diet"—permanently changing your lifestyle.
Photograph by Igor Stevanovic/Shutterstock
You tell yourself you're "on a diet"—permanently changing your lifestyle.
Kate Martino, a physician assistant and weight loss coach says her clients who are looking for short-term fixes have a much tougher time getting and maintaining results than clients who make changes for the long haul. "When you're in the 'diet' mentality, it's more likely that you'll go off your diet before you reach your goals," she says. "It's even more likely that, if you do lose weight, you'll wonder what to do next," she says. "Making lifestyle changes, on the other hand, helps you learn the tools to reach your goals and maintain your weight loss for life."

Your new weight loss mantra: Banish the word "diet" from your vocabulary, and when you're making nutrition and exercise changes, be sure you experiment until you find what realistically works for you, says Martino. "The key is finding lifestyle changes that will not only help you get to where you want to be, but will also be enjoyable. That's when you'll stick to 'em."
You haven't established a good support system.
Find a friend to join you
Photograph by Dubova/Shutterstock
You haven't established a good support system.
Go it alone and you'll be much less likely to succeed than if you've got a group of friends and family who are supporting you, says Martino. "It can be difficult to stick to your lifestyle changes if your partner or the rest of your family aren't willing to participate—or at least support you in the changes you're making," she says.

Your new weight loss mantra: Find a relative or friend to join forces with you. If there isn't someone, at least let your loved ones know about your big goals and ask for their support. That way, they'll keep your goals in mind rather than tempting you to stray off course, says Martino.

"You can also check out platforms online where thousands of people come together virtually to offer each other support, advice, and encouragement," she says.
MORE: 9 Proven Ways To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat
You're not setting specific goals.
Weight loss goals
Photograph by iQoncept/Shutterstock
You're not setting specific goals.
The key to success is to break an overwhelming target—say, losing 30 pounds—into little steps that can be more easily managed, says Elle Kealy, a certified nutrition, fitness, and weight loss coach. "Instead of setting unattainable, vague goals, it's better to approach your weight loss project as a series of smaller, more realistic habit changes that you can focus on one at a time," she says.

Your new weight loss mantra: Set SMART goals, says Patrick Williams, an American Council on Exercise-certified health coach and behavior change specialist. "Ideally, your goal should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound," he says. For example, you might start by committing to drinking 8 glasses of water a day for the first month of your plan; the next month, you could aim to stick to that and swap out half the cheap carbs on your plate (potatoes or pasta) for leafy greens, says Kealy. "Each of your smaller, attainable goals will add up to substantial lifestyle changes over the long term."
MORE: 10 Slimming Weight Loss Smoothies
You overestimate the calorie burn of a single workout.
Treat yourself after workout
Photograph by JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images
You overestimate the calorie burn of a single workout.
Chris Nagel, an exercise physiologist, personal trainer, and nutrition and weight loss coach, says many of his clients will use a great workout to justify poor decisions throughout the rest of the day. "While it can be tempting to think you can treat yourself to dessert because you had a great session earlier that day, you're overestimating how much benefit you really got." As a result, people overeat, he says.

Your new weight loss mantra: Remember that increased activity levels will increase your caloric demands and appetite, says Nagel. It's crucial to keep monitoring your portion sizes and following your healthy eating plan.
You aren't consistent with your efforts.
Consistent exercise
Photograph by gpointstudio/Shutterstock
You aren't consistent with your efforts.
According to Nagel, this is one of the biggest blunders for clients. "Noticeable weight loss is only achievable when your body is consistently exposed to physical activity and proper diet," he says.

Your new weight loss mantra: Keep your momentum going, says Nagel. "It can be tempting to do well for 2 weeks and then take the third week 'off'—but that will likely put you right back at the beginning at the start of your fourth week," he says. Sure, little cheats here and there are OK and even expected. But if you notice yourself slipping for extended periods of time, it's important to get back on your program ASAP.


Wednesday 17 August 2016

How To Lose Weight Fast and Easy (NO EXERCISE) - Weight Loss - Lifestyle...

Do you think will power and determination will get a result like this or more?

Teacher’s bikini selfie after remarkable weight loss

A PRIMARY schoolteacher has been able to wear a bikini for the first time after losing 83kg and having 4.5kg of excess skin removed.
Desperate dieter Mallory Buettner, 29, underwent a gastric bypass surgery two years ago after her weight reached almost 190kg, helping her to shrink to 84kg.

On June 30, to complete her transformation, Mallory had a tummy tuck and brachioplasty to remove 4.5kg of loose skin from her stomach and arms.

Her weight reached almost 190 kilos.Source:Caters News Agency
Having never worn a bikini before, even in her own garden hot tub, the delighted teacher celebrated by purchasing five new two-pieces.
But she paid a price for her new body — including surgery complications, and having to call off a wedding to her ex-fiance who struggled with Mallory’s new life.

Mallory struggled with her weight all her life.Source:Caters News Agency

Now the brunette from Quinte West, Ontario, Canada, is opening up about “life after going under the knife” to encourage other weight loss hopefuls to ask for help.

Mallory said: “I had never worn a bikini in my life, and I dreaded to put on a bathing suit even in my own hot tub in the back yard.
“I live in a bikini now. I wear one every day, I am a bikini bum.
“After the surgery, I went out and bought five bikinis.

“For the first time I feel like the outside matches the inside.”
Weighing 4.08kg at birth, Mallory’s weight has been an issue her entire life.

At just 10 years old she had reached 90kg, which ballooned to 130kg at 18, and by the time she graduated university aged 20, Mallory tipped the scales at 166kg.

Mallory as a child.Source:Caters News Agency
She said: “I was always bigger.

“I have an older sister and we have always eaten similar foods but she was always a normal size.

“At school I was the biggest kid in the class.
“I was aged eight years old the first time I went on a diet.
“My mum always made an effort to feed me lean meals but when I was little, but I liked to eat chips, pizza and soft drinks.
“Then at I high school I drank a lot of iced coffees and ate McDonald’s.”

Mallory’s diet was poor.Source:Caters News Agency
When nothing else worked, Mallory turned to the Doctor Bernstein Diet for help.

She said: “It was an extreme diet where I ate only 500-800 calories a day.

“It was terrible but I lost 36kg and I was so happy.”
However, the program cost $600 a month and was no longer affordable when Mallory bought a house.

As she increased her meals to 1500 calories a day, her metabolism struggled to burn the added intake, and she began to pile on the kilos.

Diets would work for a while, but then the weight would pile back on.Source:Caters News Agency
She said: “That type of restriction is really so hard on your body.
“When I tried to have a more balance diet with whole foods, it just began to creep back on.

“I had a meltdown in my doctor’s office and that was when they recommended surgery.

“I hated the idea at first. I thought I didn’t need surgery, it seemed like the easy way out.

“I thought I could lose weight again naturally as I had done it before.

“I was so upset and I rang my sister crying.
“She was so supportive and told me to go for it. She knew I had always eaten well and tried to be active but nothing was working.
“In the end, I had to swallow my pride.”
Mallory decided to have gastric bypass surgery.Source:Caters News Agency
After years of failed diets, Mallory gave in to doctors’ recommendation and following a consultation in November 2013, booked surgery for the following May.

However, in a twist of fate, the newly engaged woman was forced to choose between her health and her husband-to-be.
She said: “I was engaged at the time.
“The surgery was scheduled for two months before the wedding.
“He wasn’t supportive and liked things the way they were.
“I think he thought I wouldn’t love him after I lost weight.
“We called off the wedding days before the date and never spoke again.

“It was the hardest thing but I had to choose to be happy.
“We both moved on and I hope he is happy.”
The surgery was a success and for the first six months post-op, Mallory shed 9kg a month.

The weight came off relatively quickly following surgery.Source:Caters News Agency
She quit carbs for 12 months and even now continues to eat meals from a bread plate for portion control.
Mallory said: “It just shows how desperate I was.
“I just couldn’t do it by myself.
“I think that why I have been so open with it because I know how hard it is to ask for help.
“When you’re fat you can’t hide, it’s not a flaw you can hide, everyone sees it.

“The world is judging you and you feel so alone.
“Everyone thinks you are lazy or you just don’t care.
“I had to ask for my help and that’s not something I should, or anyone should, feel ashamed of.”

Over the last year, Mallory lost another 4.5kg and hit 85kg where she plateaued for four months.

At her goal weight, she decided to complete her transformation by having her excess skin removed.

Mallory had a lot of extra skin following her surgery.Source:Caters News Agency Mallory had an extended abdominoplasty which removed 4.5kg of skin from her stomach, as well as having 36cm of skin removed from elbows down to her ribs.
She said: “Initially the sagging skin was a badge of honour — it showed how far I had come.

“I had a goal of 84kg but my surgeon didn’t think I would get under 104kg.

The scars from the tummy tuck.Source:Caters News Agency
“I proved them wrong and I was at a weight I could live a life that I loved.

“But in the end I no longer wanted the constant reminder and decided to have the surgery to remove it.”
She is thrilled with the results.Source:Caters News Agency
Although surgery complications resulted in a haematoma which had to be removed, Mallory has finally be able to celebrate her new look, two months post-op.

She added: “After surgery, I sent a bikini photo to my mum and my sister and they both said how proud they were”.
Mallory splurged in five new bikinis.Source:Caters News Agency
“It has not been easy that’s for sure. I now know that surgery is hard and recovery is much harder. I’ve made sacrifices and it is not the easy way out like I thought.”

Now Mallory maintains her health at the gym by doing cardio and kettle bell weights, as well as eating a clean and balanced diet.
She added: “As a teacher it was important to be able to have the energy to keep up with the kids.

“Now they struggle to keep up with me.”